Cookie Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet Site”) and Greenhill Home Decor LLC. have determined various privacy policies in order to protect the privacy of their users and to ensure the security and ultimate use of the technological infrastructure. Our Cookie Policy also forms part of our Privacy Policy. Users fully understand and accept the following matters, which contain important information about the visit and/or use of the Website, as of their first visit to the Website, by approving the Privacy Policy text on the Website, and consider all of them as an inseparable whole.
The website may use online services, interactive applications, e-mail messages, advertisements, cookies, and other technologies. These technologies are used to offer you the best possible service, to better understand your behavior, and to make it easier for us to provide our services. Cookies and other technologies remind you of your personal information when you visit a website. Our goal is to make this as simple as possible for you, to ensure that you can complete the orders you’ve placed, and to provide you with a more personalized experience by remembering you and your personal information on your next visit.
During your visit to the Website, cookies and other similar elements may be placed on your browser. You allow the use of cookies by continuing to use the website without changing the cookie settings in your browser.
Apart from the Website’s “session cookies” and “persistent cookies,” Google Analytics cookies are used to track the Website’s traffic using permanent and session cookies, as well as to better assess the user experience through reporting.
You can delete or block cookies from your computer at any time. Cookies are used to understand user behavior, to show which parts of the website our members visit, and to measure the effectiveness of ads and searches. Greenhill Home Decor LLC, may also use this information in marketing and advertising services.
We would like to note that we may update this Cookie Policy without sending you a notice, so you should review our Cookie Policy regularly.